Saturday, January 22, 2011

MUMBAI city.

Im like any other mumbaiite who loves the city but will work his ass off to get out of the country at first opportunity possible, and then post '' I miss Mumbai'' on Facebook. I did the same, worked my ass off , fled the country at warpspeed, and here I am blogging about Mumbai ( and missing it ).

Whats it about Mumbai? Apart from the dirtiest pavements ( if there are any), water logging during rains, constantly being on tip toes to avoiding stepping on turd (animal/human), power cuts, water cuts, potholes, cramped stuffed local trains, corrupt havaldars on every corner, equally corrupt law breakers (us), political processions creating havoc of an already poor traffic system, religious processions doing no good either, illegal structures, crazy rickshaws, over flowing garbage, bomb scares ( and bombs), virus scares, pirated cds , illegal hawkers, and all things to put mumbai on the wrong side of the news.

But there is something, a certain magic associated with mumbai. A strange indescribable ardor, a mystifying caress of the wind which entangles you in a perpetual state of attachment with this city, an umbilical link that can never be severed. An essence that is so deeply embedded in your psyche, that mere distance is just not enough to shake it off.

Hats off to you mumbai........


Mona said...

superlike!!! no place like mumbai in the entire world... :D... mumbai rocks!!!

Unknown said...

Come of Kolkata (Calcutta) and see for yourself the mystics of this city...

Unknown said...

Come to Kolkata (Calcutta) and see for yourself the mystics of this city...

Zain said...

Come to karachi ,

and see the difference yourself !!!!

luv you karachi and pakistan

Unknown said...

i love mumbai