Thursday, June 5, 2008

letter to a friend

Dear friend,
We meet all kinds of people in different phases of our life.some good , some bad ( or even grossly evil..), manipualtors, liars , backstabbers...some angels, helpers, selfless individuals, some who remain friends forever, some who remain in memories....
I have always enjoyed making friends all throughout my life.I have never learnt to hate, always gave love, with not much in return.
People have always taken me for granted, backstabbed, and even taken advantage of me.
But I have never stopped making friends......because ...for every ten stones that I have got , I have got a gem like you.
The purpose of this letter is not for gaining sympathy or to cry my heart out....
It is to tell you how much i appreciate Your friendship...........which I will always , tomorrow and forever


Neha said...

Hi there
very well written indeed!! It's rare to find someone who takes out the time to write a thank u note to his friends.. and makes sure they read it too!! :-)
Its been gr8 knowing you, and having u in my life as a senior, guide, friend!! Because u have a heart of gold.. stay the same!!

Scoot said...

God bless