Thursday, June 4, 2009


She sat by the window, the breeze wafting through her thin silver hair. The wisps fluttered across her face, though not altering her gaze. The wrinkles on her forehead were accentuated by the thick round tilak which told of her rural lineage.

The unnerving calmness of her demeanour was somehow unaffected by the usual hustle bustle, fights, shouts and falls of a peak hour crowded local. As if it spread an aura around her which dampened the negativity of the whole situation. Her unblinking cataractous eyes stared out into the phantasmagoria, but her mind was obviously in her past.

A half smile occasionally spread across her thin pale lips, a smile that bore witness to years of living a hard life. The kind of life that teaches you every step, every wake, every second, so much that by the end of it comes a feeling “been there, done that”.

A cute little kid tugged at her pallu, to which she responded by a pat on its head. Shifting a little more in her seat, the eternal mother allowed the child a little more comfort in that cramped compartment.

There are people you meet in life, some leave a lasting impression, some just hit you in the face hard and wake you up to the harsh realities of this life and then they fade away into oblivion like lost memories of childhood.


divsi said...

o my:)!! this was so lovely!! gr8 piece of work ashwin!!!
pic clicked by u???

p.s: phantasmagoria!!!! i ve been huntin dat word's usage since long:p thankoo!

ashwin said...

nope, didnt click that pic, actually i culdnt click the pic that time, so i got a pic of an old lady from the net and another pic of the local train window, and merged them both on corel photopaint